Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is hosting the
Second International Congress of Geographers of the Turkic World. The purpose of the congress - is to improving scientific research in the field of sustainable development, discussing current issues in the field of geography and strengthening cooperation between the Turkic countries. The congress will address issues of sustainable development, climate change, efficient use of natural resources, environmental safety and regional integration of the Turkic countries. This event also provides for the exchange of experience between scientific communities, the introduction of innovative methods and technologies, as well as the development of common strategies aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Date: April 24-25, 2025.
Venue: 050040, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Al-Farabi Avenue, 71k20. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Farabi Hub.
Congress Partners:- Khoja Ahmed Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
- Zhusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University
- JSC «Institute of Geography and Water Safety»
- Eskişehir Osmangazi University
- Republican Named School of Geography
The form of the event: offline and online
Conference languages: Kazakh, Russian, Turkish, and English.
Participants: Researchers, teachers, postgraduates, PhD students, undergraduates, university students and all interested persons are invited to participate in the congress.
The congress program includes plenary sessions, sectional meetings, and the closing session.